Obstructive Beliefs (Drivers)
An essential task of the coach is to detect and define the "drivers" that may be present in the coachee. Drivers are beliefs or rules of behavior that are passed on to children by their parents and, for the most part, unconsciously influence the adult's behavior. Each of these drivers - if recognized - can be used specifically for the success process, if the possible traps that these respective inner beliefs carry are seen and circumvented.
If a manager has a different driver than the subordinate, misunderstandings and insecurities can arise. This situation can only be resolved if all parties involved analyze and exchange their own feelings and expectations of the other person. If the exchange is constructive, the strengths of both drivers can be used for mutual benefit.
Each driver has its own strengths and pitfalls. As an example, I would like to pick up 3 drivers today and explain them in more detail.
Inner belief: "I always need to improve, I am never good enough."
Strengths: Accuracy, reliability, delivers high quality work, plans accurately, patient (to get everything right).
Pitfalls: too demanding of quality in own work, takes very long or too long to complete a job, reluctant to delegate, always dissatisfied with his work, can hardly admit mistakes and can't accept mistakes from others either
Tip: Managers who always want everything done perfectly are best supported by recognizing their achievements and creating structures (e.g. schedules).
Inner belief: "I have to hurry or I won't get done."
Strengths: gets work done in an extremely short time, works on several things at once, is very dynamic, carries the work group along, can inspire and drive, has an overview, delegates, is flexible.
Pitfalls: prone to mistakes, impatient, listens poorly, has difficulty adjusting to other (especially slower) colleagues, poor information sharing, hectic.
Tip: A leader with this driver constantly needs new challenges and cannot work without "action".
Inner belief: "I always have to work hard" "No pain, no gain."
Strengths: Dutiful, very reliable, stays on task even when tasks are difficult, Versatile, can work on several projects at once.
Pitfalls: Success (even that of others) must be worked hard for or it will not be accepted as such; chooses the path of greatest resistance; simply cannot accept solutions, hardly light-hearted, whines, tends to take on too many tasks; cannot rejoice in successes
Tip: If the leader lives by this belief set, he or she will tend to take work from others and allow tasks to be delegated to them. The greatest need here is recognition of effort and toil.
(Source: Haberleitner, E., Deistler, E., Ungvari, R. (2009); Führen, Fördern, Coachen: So Sie entwickeln die Potentiale Ihrer Mitarbeiter. Frankfurt/Vienna: Piper Verlag)
Anne-Marie Waldock-Petersen MA MSc
Austria: +43 699 107 11 488
England: +44 740 076 8068